Richtschnur unseres Handelns ist das Motto:
Omnes, quantum potes, juva
Arthur Schopenhauer, Das Prinzip der Moral, 1841
Original: "Neminem laede, immo omnes, quantum potes, iuva. [Schädige niemanden, vielmehr hilf allen, so gut du kannst]“
Der nachstehende in englischer Sprache gefasste "Verhaltens- und Ethikkodex der i c p group" soll gewährleisten, dass für unser geschäftliches und ethisches Verhalten höchste Standards gelten und eingehalten werden. Er ist grundlegend für die Kultur und die Werte unserer Organisation. Er ist elementare Voraussetzung dafür, dass unsere Kunden Vertrauen in die i c p group und ihre Professionals haben.
The Code of Business Conduct & Ethics is founded on the values of i c p group international and has the intention of laying the foundations for our ethically orientated culture.
The Code sets out i c p group's behavioural and ethical standards. It provides guidance, helping its partners to take the right course of action. The group's management fully endorse this Code and its enforcement. We expect all partners of i c p group to follow this Code and conduct themselves in a manner that is above reproach, demonstrating our desire to be responsible business partners of our clients.
Ethical Behaviour and Business Integrity
- We strive to adhere to high ethical standards in all decisions we make. When deciding on the appropriate course of action we take into account not only compliance with laws, rules and regulations, but also whether a decision or activity is consistent with i c p group's values.
- We must consult management if our own interests actually or potentially interfere, or might appear to interfere, with i c p group's interests.
- We seek competitive advantage through superior performance rather than using any unfair business practice.
- We do not provide or accept improper inducements in the course of our business dealings with others.
Compliance with Laws, Rules and Regulations
- We respect and strive to comply with the laws, rules and regulations of the countries where we operate and our own internal policies, guidelines and procedures.
- We are committed to managing our relationships with i c p group standard setters in an open and co-operative manner.
Client Relationships built on trust
- We are committed to treating our clients fairly and with integrity.
- We strive to identify and act in line with our legal and ethical responsibilities to our clients including any existing fiduciary duties.
Client Confidentiality
- We maintain the confidentiality of any confidential information entrusted to us by our clients, except when disclosure is authorised by them or required by applicable laws, rules or regulations.
- We share such information only internally and with the appropriate discretion.
Conflicts of Interest
- We are mindful of conflicts of interest, take all reasonable steps to assist in their identification and proper
- We are committed to maintaining and operating effective organisational and administrative arrangements
to identify and manage conflicts of interest, for instance by installing so-called Chinese Walls.
Preventing Money Laundering and Corruption
i c p group is committed to assisting in the fight against money laundering and corruption.
Insider Dealing and Use of Information
- We seek to understand whether or not the information we are receiving is material non-public information (inside information).
- We share inside information with internal or external parties only in strict accordance with both our internal procedures
and applicable laws, rules and regulations.
- We do not use inside information for any purposes other than those for which this information has been originally given to us.
Interactions between i c p group partners
- We seek to treat our colleagues with respect and collaborate with them based on trust and mutual support.
- We respect other opinions and differences in background, perspectives and expertise.
- We search the interaction with our colleagues and the use of their individual experience and expertise in the best interest of our clients.
Adherence to the Code
i c p group expects its partners and management to adhere to the spirit and letter of this Code. The Code will apply in all circumstances. i c p group has issued, and will issue from time to time, more specific policies, principles and procedures to implement its fundamental values and to facilitate the application and enforcement of the Code. Violations of the standards in this Code may be subject to disciplinary proceedings, up to and including termination of partnership.